Betti: finding a hidden treasure…


A treasured heirloom…

I used to be a pharmaceutical representative for dermatological products and, when I joined the company, it was just a small start-up. Through dedicated customer care and and personalised marketing, it is now a leading brand in acne prevention and treatment.

Being well dressed and well presented has always been important to me. Shirts are some of the most elegant items in my wardrobe and I always feel ready to take on the day’s challenges when I wear a well-cut and tailored shirt. It is a bit like an armour for today’s battles, to protect you and to present you in a specific way.

This is one of my most treasured shirts. It’s made from a remainder of my wedding dress lace, discovered still in its original packaging 45 years after my wedding. It was a very emotional gift to receive…Something new with something old and very special indeed.

Betti is wearing a Cadoris bespoke twill silk shirt with hand-applique’ vintage macrame’ lace.

Caterina Bacchin